What is the Omega Speech and Debate tournament travel team?

The Omega Speech and Debate Tournament Travel Team is a highly selective group of students from grades 6-11 who compete under Omega at America’s most prestigious national debate tournaments! Our academy will register members of this team for tournaments such as the Georgetown, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Columbia, and Stanford Tournaments.

Additionally, this travel team program will provide private coaching to its members. Omega coaches will lead regular team practices, assist students with their debate topic preparation, observe students’ debate rounds at competitions and give constructive critiques on their performances, and more. Our coaches will help the travel team improve their debate skills throughout the school year and prepare enough to succeed at tournaments!

click below to see our travel team's incredible accomplishments at national tournaments!

How do I join?

The Omega Travel Team is not an open-enrollment program. Instead, our team is assembled through a highly-competitive application and selection process. The pre-requisite to applying for the Travel Team is to attend an Omega Speech and Debate Summer Camp. Our staff only considers applicants who attended the most recent Omega Camp. This is because our staff believes that an application form alone cannot completely and accurately measure a student’s potential in debate. Our instructors would gain a far better understanding of a student’s capabilities by working and interacting with them at an in-person summer camp, where we can evaluate their growth and get to know who they truly are as an individual.